2023 Forecast of the market development prospect of the motor industry The global industrial motor industry will accelerate its development in the future

In recent decades, due to the rapid increase of the international community’s attention to energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development, the production of high-efficiency motors has become the development direction of global industrial motors. In the context of global energy consumption reduction, the European Union, France, Germany and other countries and regions have launched efficient and energy-saving policies to further promote the accelerated development of the global industrial motor industry.

From the perspective of the scale and division of labor in the world motor market, China is the manufacturing area of the motor, and the developed countries in Europe and America are the technical research and development areas of the motor. Taking micro and special motors as an example, China is the largest manufacturer of micro and special motors in the world. Japan, Germany, the United States and other countries are the leading forces in the research and development of micro and special motors, controlling most of the world’s high-end, precision, and new micro and special motor technology. From the perspective of market share, according to the size of China’s electrical machinery industry and the total size of global electrical machinery, the size of China’s electrical machinery industry accounts for 30%, the United States accounts for 27% and the European Union accounts for 20% respectively.

Post time: Jan-19-2023

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